PALI Annual Investigators Conference
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Eileen, Marc and Committee. Once again, you’ve done an outstanding job organizing our conference. The subject matter was informative, the speakers were spot on, the food was delicious and I especially liked the monogrammed garment bag. Very classy. It’s clear there was a lot of time and effort put into this and I wanted to say thank you.
Don Aravich
DEA Investigations & Security
Sept 2019
Don Aravich
DEA Investigations & Security
Sept 2019
Once again, I take off my hat to the 2018 conference committee. The speakers presentations were excellent as was everything. I always enjoy the vendors and the discussions over our delicious meals. You kept everything moving. The added karaoke at the hospitality suite was fun and entertaining. It allowed us to really let our hair down. It’s like going to a family reunion every year. Eileen, congratulations again on the first “Investigator of the year” award. It is well deserved. Many thanks to all of you.
Kim Emes
KRE Investigations, Inc.
Oct 2018
Kim Emes
KRE Investigations, Inc.
Oct 2018
Sometimes I wonder how our organization outdoes itself in our annual conferences, but it happens year after year. I learn many new things every year which I apply to my investigations. The committee’s attention to detail in putting the conference together is evident. You all deserve our thanks.
Kathleen Smith
KMS Investigations
Sept 2017
Kathleen Smith
KMS Investigations
Sept 2017
A tip of the hat and a thank you to Jeff Stein and all who assisted in putting together yet another top notch event. The informative speakers, the educational material, the networking, and the food and drink made for a very enjoyable conference. The support for this conference, by the attending PALI members, and non member PI’s, was great. Those of us who attended realized the benefits that only an event such as this provides. Those of you, who did not attend missed out on an opportunity which comes around only once a year. Hope to see many of you next year.
Bob Kozura
Southeastern PA Investigations
Sept 2011
Bob Kozura
Southeastern PA Investigations
Sept 2011
Okay I gotta say it: The seminar was one fantastic event! I was amazed at all the great topics and presenters. I gleaned a great deal of information from each and every one of them, not to mention the fact that I met some great people! My hat’s off (even though I don’t wear one) to everyone who made this event a success. For those of you who did not attend, consider it for the next one…you will not be disappointed! I think everyone will agree, that for what we paid we got triple the value. I don’t know of any seminar (and I’ve been to hundreds of them) that lasts two days which includes valet parking, early check in and late check out, all the meals, free “refreshments” great vendors and great information for $200.00! Again my congratulations to PALI for an excellent job!
Hugh Drey
Bureau of Investigations
Oct 2010
Hugh Drey
Bureau of Investigations
Oct 2010
I would just like to take a moment and say I had an amazing time at the PALI seminar. This was my first seminar and I am looking forward to future gatherings and PALI events. It was very nice to put faces to the names of people whom I have talked to over the phone and corresponded through the PALI board. In a personal note, the lectures were amazing and I have personally become aware and excited about getting training and certified in areas of investigation I knew nothing about. Here’s to the future! Looking forward to seeing everyone again at upcoming PALI gatherings.
Scott Shumas, LPI
SFS & Associates, LLC
Sept 2010
Scott Shumas, LPI
SFS & Associates, LLC
Sept 2010
Dear PALI members,
WOW, and I do mean WOW!!! Those of you who unfortunately missed this years annual seminar in Harrisburg, really missed an exceptional seminar. We had great vendors, exceptional speakers, we had press coverage, we had legislators in house to discuss HR65, and also had a legislator stop by when we were having our mixer Wednesday evening. Our “Thanks” and “Appreciation” go to JEFF STEIN who simply went above and beyond the call of duty on this one, and created a truly informational seminar which was highly praise by those in attendance. The president Of “ISLPA” was at the seminar as a speaker, and informed me that this was the best seminar he has been to this year and in fact for quite sometime. Representative Mike Verebs spoke to us on Tuesday evening, taking time from the floor at the house to come visit and speak to us on HR65. His information answered may of the questions and concerns that some of you had regarding the recent movement of that bill. The ever popular Richard Walters was a speaker and as usual captivated the audience with his expertise on murders and serial killings. He also promoted his new book “The Murder Room” and held a book signing. Also present was Bruce Mowday who spoke on his new book “Jailing the Johnson Gang” The true story of the investigation into the notorious “Johnson Gang” a group of thieves and serial killers. A group that was brought to justice by a joint law enforcement task force which included former FBI agent and PALI member Dave Richter. Mowday also had a book signing. Those are just a few of the highlights of the seminar, the networking with members, both new and old, plus a number of people intending to join added to the overall excitement and social environment for the seminar. We also had some discussions on the issues concerning Marcellus Shale, and how it MAY NOT BE THE GOD SENT many of you/us thought it was. I suggest you all keep and ear to the ground on this one, watch the news, read the papers and stay on top of the issues that may concern you, your business and or your family and property.
Again, we can’t thank Jeff Stein enough for putting all this together, he deserves a huge “ATTA BOY” award not to mention more than a few beers to relax now that it is over and was a great success
Stay Safe!!
Richard C. Payton Jr.
Payton & Associates
Sept 2010
WOW, and I do mean WOW!!! Those of you who unfortunately missed this years annual seminar in Harrisburg, really missed an exceptional seminar. We had great vendors, exceptional speakers, we had press coverage, we had legislators in house to discuss HR65, and also had a legislator stop by when we were having our mixer Wednesday evening. Our “Thanks” and “Appreciation” go to JEFF STEIN who simply went above and beyond the call of duty on this one, and created a truly informational seminar which was highly praise by those in attendance. The president Of “ISLPA” was at the seminar as a speaker, and informed me that this was the best seminar he has been to this year and in fact for quite sometime. Representative Mike Verebs spoke to us on Tuesday evening, taking time from the floor at the house to come visit and speak to us on HR65. His information answered may of the questions and concerns that some of you had regarding the recent movement of that bill. The ever popular Richard Walters was a speaker and as usual captivated the audience with his expertise on murders and serial killings. He also promoted his new book “The Murder Room” and held a book signing. Also present was Bruce Mowday who spoke on his new book “Jailing the Johnson Gang” The true story of the investigation into the notorious “Johnson Gang” a group of thieves and serial killers. A group that was brought to justice by a joint law enforcement task force which included former FBI agent and PALI member Dave Richter. Mowday also had a book signing. Those are just a few of the highlights of the seminar, the networking with members, both new and old, plus a number of people intending to join added to the overall excitement and social environment for the seminar. We also had some discussions on the issues concerning Marcellus Shale, and how it MAY NOT BE THE GOD SENT many of you/us thought it was. I suggest you all keep and ear to the ground on this one, watch the news, read the papers and stay on top of the issues that may concern you, your business and or your family and property.
Again, we can’t thank Jeff Stein enough for putting all this together, he deserves a huge “ATTA BOY” award not to mention more than a few beers to relax now that it is over and was a great success
Stay Safe!!
Richard C. Payton Jr.
Payton & Associates
Sept 2010
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